After my wife died from breast cancer, I was the one who had
to take care of my son, Jerry. To be honest, my life very miserable than before
my wife died. Now it all by myself like teaching my son doing his homework,
cooking course, mixed with kesibukanku in office as one of the most important people
in Japanese companies that are domiciled in Jakarta.
Sometimes I get confused myself because somehow my cooking
not as perfect as my wife and fortunately Jerry, my only son never criticize my
cooking results even though I know that all my cooking results not bad because
sometimes too salty and sometimes burnt. One day Jerry told me that I should
come to the school because the teacher wanted to meet me.
On the appointed day, I went to my son's school to meet with
Mrs. Diana and when I met her, I became quite nervous and fortunately it can be
mastered my feelings because after I went with my son and I do not want my son
to read the nerves. Finally I was seated by a teacher who is not yet married
because I did not see the wedding ring and also he admitted himself that he was
still single when I call her as Mrs. Diana.
In that conversation, he told me about Jerry lesson somewhat
behind the other students. Turns out Jerry new light of recognition, that
although he was diligently doing homework but he never repeats his lesson for
his time spent playing Play Station I bought for her the day after the
departure of my wife so she would not cry anymore.
Finally obtained the agreement that Mrs. Diana will give you
my private tutoring and after we both agree on the price per hour, we shook
hands and left the school. During the trip home, I always remembered the young
teacher my cute face it.
In the afternoon after I had retired, I remembered that one
the next hour my teacher would come and that I also have to get ready to greet
him. After the teacher Jerry came in and I started talking for a while, he then
asked for permission to start private lessons for my son.
I just nodded and left them alone. I started reading the
newspaper Kompas that day and I occasionally stole glances at the teacher who
was teaching my son Jerry. I saw that Mrs. Diana is enough understanding in
teaching my son that sometimes still quite confused about the material learned.
Two hours passed already and I realized that the hour
private les is over and when he was trying to return home, I offered to drive
her to her since it was night and I know exactly that there is no public
transport at odd hours so around my house.
Finally I took my baby and a BMW car after I get ready, I
told Jerry to repeat earlier lessons while I will deliver teacher home. Jerry
obeyed his father and his speech without further ado, he began to open the book
back and repeat the newly learned material.
I then began telling Mrs. Diana to get in and then I started
driving it after I closed the gate of course, because I do not have a
housekeeper at the time. On the way, we talked about everything and about
the changes experienced Jerry after his mother died. It
seems that Mrs. Diana serious listening outpouring of my heart is lonely after
being left by my wife.
Suddenly when we were having a conversation, I caught a
glimpse of a little boy who was run across so with lightning speed, I
immediately braked suddenly and when I braked it, because Mrs. Diana forgot to
wear "Seatbelt", he immediately fell into my arms.
He seemed embarrassed after the incident but after I said
it's okay, he's back to normal and now we seem to grow closer and I was very
surprised when his she begged to go to the nearest motel because he wanted to
urinate on the grounds that his house was still very far. I saw the expression
on his face like a man holding something that eventually I agreed to go to the
nearest motel to finish 'bisnis'nya.
Finally we were in a cheap motel not far from where I braked
earlier. Once inside the room, I sat on the edge of the bed while Mrs. Diana
with incredible speed directly go towards the toilet inside the motel room. A
few minutes later, I was surprised by Mrs. Diana coming out of the toilet with
a sudden.
"Bu .. what is it?" I was suddenly nervous mixed
want to see the body of Mrs. Diana were very beautiful.
But suddenly Diana grabbed me and kissed me on the lips.
Looks like I'm going to explode! Mrs. Diana height 172 cm, long hair and a
perfect body, solid, hard, slightly muscular stomach, just sexy. Diana guided
my hand to her chest.
Brought me wringing his chest. Later I learned that size
34C. Then he himself taking off his shirt with a teasing smile. I just stare at
a silent way to undress slowly with an exciting style as she rocked her hips.
Then saw the all parts of the body that are normally hidden.
Plump breasts hang-hanging tight, thin pubic hair neat, smooth white body is
very exciting. Manhood rods also been enlarged hardened more than usual. Then
Diana back leaned closer to me, he placed his mouth to my ear, licking it and
whispered to me,
"You will feel like in heaven." But I'm still
trying to get away despite the fact that I would otherwise shy.
"When friends come to do?"
"Do not worry I've said you were going to sleep for a while
here and do not disturb."
Gile already planned! Without realizing own shirt off (to
everywhere I used to wear short-sleeved shirts) Diana licking my stomach and
hold it down. I still was frightened. Until finally he opened my underwear.
"Wow, this would be great. So big, loud. I've never seen
like this in a porn movie. "
Diana began to suck rod groin (recently I knew her name
disepong since late wife never did).
"Aaarghh .. argh .." I just once senikmat it.
"You begin a passionate, darling?" Was the first
time he called me dear.
I'm really excited now. I lifted her onto the mattress
kujilati female burrows were already wet.
"Nnngghhh .. .. aaahh ngghhh ... ahhh" Diana began
to moan-groaned.
But it made me more excited. Kuhisapi pink nipples.
"Aahhh .. yeahh .. I can not believe you're very aggressive." I put
my finger into the hole senggamanya. Kusodok interplay faster and faster. Diana
could only groan, sigh-sigh.
"Ricky, quickly enter the fast .. .. ahhnggh, Diana
already can not stand .. ahhh .. But slowly, Diana is still a virgin."
At that time I did not think she was a virgin or not. I just
insert the stem groin slowly, narrow. Really still a virgin, I thought. Female
burrows so strict clamp manhood rods. Until finally stem groin length of 15 cm
and a diameter of 3.8 cm vanish all.
"Aaakkhhh ..." again her screams made me excited.
Kusodok amain, sekancang-hardness. "Ngghhh .. Rickkk so big .. .. ..
aanggghh exquisite taste."
Then we change the position nungging. "Clap .. clap ..
clap .." sound when I'm menggenjotnya from behind. Her breasts swinging.
Diana sometimes squeezed themselves. "Aahhh .. again .. faster .. .. Diana
Aaahhh already out .. You keluarin outside, yes!" Soon I will come out
Kusemprot cum on your body and Diana were limp helpless. My
pleasure rod dijilatinya again until a long time as to come out again. With
still hunting breath panting, Diana put her clothes back.
"You're great once Rick. Diana satisfied. Actually,
I've fallen in love you at first sight. "Then before exiting the room
Diana kissed my lips. This time I'm not shy anymore, kiss him while I was
holding her breasts.
After enjoyment together, we hugged each other for a few
minutes and we kissed again for some time. To be honest I already fell in love
with my teacher since first meeting and now I realized that he had fallen in
love me. After that I then said to him,
"Diana, I want you to be my lover who is willing to
teach Jerry .." Unfinished me finish my words, Diana immediately kissed me
and I responded with great fondness and certainly different from our treatment
that just happened.
After we kissed for a few minutes, Diana immediately said to
me, "Ricky, I also want to have a girlfriend and now it turns out I found
it and I want to marry you and we can jointly educate Jerry."
After the incident, Diana often go out with me and Jerry
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